Friday, January 18, 2008

Still here.....

Hey!!! I just heard through the grapevine that this blog actually had READERS! Woo. So WTF? Why haven't you commented? Heh.

I can't get blogger at work anymore. WTF? Web gestapo nazis! Boo! But, I think I have figured out how to post from email. Hooray!

So, six months have gone by. So much WTF has happened, I don't even know where to start. Some of it doesn't involve only me, so I'm not at liberty to post it, but dudes. It is truly truly a WTF bonanza. Comment here and I shall reply by email.

I'm going to start traveling again soon, so I'm sure there will be some WTF moments forthwith.

Have a great 2008!

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