Sunday, December 31, 2006


Nobody has any complaints? I guess that's a good thing! LOL

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I shortened the member list to those that have posted since September 1st. If you wish to be reinstated, or if you are here for the first time and wish to contribute to this blog, let me know.

The Management

UPDATE: also upgraded to the new Blogger. You'll need a google account to post now.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Don't tell me it's ONLY two hours

Unless you are the one who will fly the fucking plane. I remember when people used to care about people instead of what "the computer" will let them do. When I show up for my flight 5 minutes beyond the computer cutoff for bags, with a car seat, 2 bags and a child, pick up
the fucking phone and ASK someone if there is still time to get bags on. I was leaving the airport before the fucking plane did. We so could have made it. Don't stick me on a flight 3 hours later with a 4 year old in tow, because if shit can happen it will. And THAT flight will be delayed 2 more hours (and counting) and I will miss my connection and possibly not even get to spend 24 hours in my destination. With my husband who is gone for a month. Fuck you, D3LTA!!! And you can shove your two hours up your ass!

Thursday, December 07, 2006


While leaving Publix tonight, I had a discussion with the bagger who was taking my groceries out to the van. I had noticed the Toys For Tots box near the exit so I asked if I could just bring my new toys in.

Him: No, that's for people who buy toys in the store to donate.
Me: What does it matter, it's all going to the same organization. I have new toys at home I'd like to bring in.
Him: Ummm it's an organization for really poor kids. They don't want people's used, beat up toys.
Me: I have new toys.
Him: Are they still in their box, unopened?
Me: Yes, they are NEW.
Him: (very low voice- I think he said it was okay or something)

At this point, he was done with the groceries and I just walked to my door without a thanks or have a good night. Should I feel insulted? I really feel this guy was just an idiot. Ugh!

Yes, I am MAD AT YOU!!!

When I spend all day on the phone with developers explaining to them how it *has* to be something in their code, only to find out that you neglected to tell me you CHANGED THE FRIGGING FILE NAME AFTER I TOLD YOU NOT TO it not only makes me look bad, it royally pisses me off. It was a two minute fix that dragged on for six hours, involving more people than should have been involved and tying up resources needed elsewhere. Yes, I am MAD! I don't care that you're sorry, you are a loser and I wish I had hired you so I can fire you. Normal people make occasional mistakes, you make on average 3 a day. This wouldn't be so bad if I had not warned you OF THIS VERY THING earlier in the week when you did it the first time. Can you not remember from day to day? Do I need to check your work before it can be submitted to QA??? Must I hold your hand as you go about the day-to-day business of DOING YOUR JOB??? I have to do your evaluation to determine if you get a raise and a bonus. I only hope I calm down enough before then to be rational and not fire your sorry self.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

hazard lights are NOT for make-up & cellphone usage

Dear Stupid Bitch that was driving 35/mph with your hazard lights flashing this morning in the fast lane,

I was expecting to see an old lady with a flat tire, or a woman in labor on the way to the hospital, maybe some lumber sticking out the back window of your SUV. But NO, you were sitting in the middle of the two seats, holding your eyelid with one hand, putting eye-liner on with the other, while trying to talk & hold the cell phone with your sholder. Hazard/flasher lights are for emergencies, not make-up. If you cannot get out of bed 3 minutes earlier, you don't deserve a drivers license.