Monday, February 04, 2008

Lose the Loose!

Okay, I've not posted on here for awhile, but after the recent reminder that this outlet existed, and after becoming quite annoyed about this several times today, I decided to put it out there.

"Lose" means to misplace something.

"Loose" means your dog is on the run.

You do NOT need to "loose" weight; and your pants are not "lose."

Get it straight, people!

The end.


Karlise said...

LOL Donna. That drives me crazy as well. I also hate 2ce (twice) and prolly (probably). Is it really that difficult to write the word?

Oh and sale and sell. You don't sale your house- you sell it!

Anonymous said...

Yes, those are good ones. Here are some more: Choose and chose; advice and advise. What is happening? I see these mistakes made by supposedly intelligent, well-educated people (i.e., attorneys and accountants).

Phillip said...

Well WTF?
Seems like a lot of Southern Bayou grammatical errors to me.
Up North here, we tend to use the language much more precisely.
Stay Cool!

Kayce said...

OMG you guys are prolly on BBC huh? :) Kidding. I think this site is hilarious. Thanks for the laughs, and Karlise thanks for the comment!