Tuesday, October 24, 2006

People with "Power"

WTF is it with people in "power" positions? Is there a code of conduct somewhere that says they HAVE to be assholes? Why would these people punish children solely to make a "point" to the parents? This happened to me a month or so ago regarding Sunday School. Now, it's happening again to some friends in regard to actual school. Ridiculous!

My out was easy. I just changed where I went to church, since I wasn't attached to the place anyway. Unfortunately for my other friends, there is a level of attachment and the decision to leave is not so easy.

Why can't adults just leave the kids out of it? WTF???


Mel said...

Huh? Someone has been punishing Jake to prove a point to you? That sounds messed up.

Kay said...

He got left out of Sunday School b/c they lost his form. I apparently made too much of a scene when expressing my dissatisfaction with the situation. By the time they agreed to let him in, I was so mad that I changed churches.

ShannonK said...

I am one of whom she speaks of - I took my Dd out of the school due to many many issues. A mutual friend did similar a few years ago. Friend and I both have kids Jake's age (Sam, is mine, Jake's BFF).

So, here is the story - principal told our friend to explore other avenues if she was interested in private school for her youngest kid. Her reason given - well you took the other out!

Ok, so look, she took her kid out b/c the school wouldn't help him with his dyslexia and accomodate him. Much better excuse than my list of grienvances. So, this tells me, they'd rather accept ANYONE than my youngest b/c me, the parent, made a decision for my older child who couldn't fit the mold they have in their school.

So, now what. I have dd in public school and may need to leave her there, but does that mean ds can't go to private... nope! I think we may try and apply for dd and see if she can get into the school down the road from where I work. If I can get her in, then Sam will be ok, based on the sibling rule.

Still, the I am so Christian but you can't go to our school - stupid!