Thursday, October 19, 2006

What the F*ck?

WTF is with people who can't (or won't) apologize? In the past month or so, people have said and done some really ugly things to me. Not one person has said they were sorry about it. That hurts me and it angers me.

I *always* say I'm sorry. In one situation, even though I'm not the one who started it, I'm the one who said I was sorry. NO F&cking response.

Do people not care about their words or actions anymore? Has our society lost all sense of personal responsibility? Owning up to our own actions? WTF???


Mel said...

I don't know which is worse. Not getting an apology or having someone give a very insincere "sorry". I think I would rather not hear it at all than have someone say it who doesn't mean it.

ShannonK said...

Was it me? Have I upset you in any way, I sure hope not. I am so sorry if I have!!!!!