Friday, September 01, 2006

Hmmm, my child or my job???

Okay, so this past week Jacob my oldest got sick at school. They called and said that he would need to be picked up. I go to my supervisor and tell her. She gives me this look, you know the one, and then asks if there is anyone else that could pick him up besides me. Ummm, NO!! My husband is an lineman for Georgia Power - meaning he and his crew take a huge line truck from headquarters and go to a job site...he would have to haul everyone back to headquarters with him. Meanwhile, I'm about 10 minutes from school. I mean come on...I don't lay out of work. Granted we are about to go through a computer conversion. The next 2 months are going to be hell. If he gets sick at school, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. If my husband has to work late, which he does often, and I know I'll be here until God knows when for the next couple of months - who is going to pick up my kids from daycare? I guess it'll work itself out. They'll just have to get over babies come first. Thanks for letting me get this out!
Have a good labor day holiday!


1 comment:

ShannonK said...

Kim, hugs and I feel your pain. My dh occassionally has to work late and I must work the juggle, too. It is so irritating when you get THE LOOK. One of my ex-bosses had no kids. I swear, whenever school called me, she didnt' believe me when I had to get the kids.