Thursday, August 17, 2006


I just got a bill for 468.13!
Every month for the last 4 months or so i have had to call the to fix some insane over charges on my bill.
My purse was stolen the middle of July and the ass that stole it decided to be even more of an ass and download 67 ringers for 174.50, 24 music's for 60.00 and was charged 107.00 for internet usage. AAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHH!

I called and reported my phone stolen and am still getting charged for this crap. I am on hold with them now, and this stupid guy I am talking to was like "well i will see if we can get a bit of this refunded to you" YEAH FREAKIN RIGHT! I BIT . . . i told them there was no way i was paying for ANY of this and he might as well put me through to a supervisor now . . .



Kay said...

Cell phone companies are spawns of Satan. Keep fighting!

MightyMouse said...

aint that the truth!!!
now, the only way they will take it off of my bill is if i send them a copy of the police report . . .
if they still decide NO then we are going to have to get some type of loan to pay it off . . . we move in 2 MONTHS we can't afford this crap!