Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Is it really THAT hard?

I actually yelled in the office this morning. You don't know this, but I am very loud. VERY loud. I have a hearing problem, so my volume knob is a little broken. I don't sound loud to me, but I've been told that I am. And when I yell......

I came in this morning to a lovely present on my chair. Yesterday, I had a very stressful time trying to find a crane company that would deal with us (that is another story, for another rant). Once I finally got them to agree to certain terms, I had to send them a copy of a certified cheque before they would book the job. This morning, I came into my office and found the rejected fax sitting on my chair. It never went through, meaning I didn't get my crane for today. The time stamp is TWO hours before I went home. The transmission error sat on the fax machine for that long. How hard is it to walk it the 50 feet down the hall and bring it to my attention?!? Especially when everyone in the freakin' place knew how hard of a time I was having and knew how important this fax was. And, to top it all off, the original is sitting in plain site on my desk (Its VERY, VERY obvious). When you finally decide (sometime after I've left obviously) to bring down the transmission error and put it on my chair, is it too much to ask that you try and send the original again?!? What the hell is wrong with the people around here? Am I the only one who thinks this way? Argh. Ack. AAAAH. So, I yelled. Granted, no one was here to hear me, but it made me feel better.

This is just an example of what my week has been like. I can only imagine what today is going to bring. I may be hoarse by Friday.


Kay said...

People suck.

Donna said...

That would make me crazy, and I'd probably do more than yell in an empty room, that's for sure.