Friday, August 18, 2006

Are you really that f**king lazy???

Okay, so I know I sometimes don't have a pile on my desk of work to do, but I did yesterday. I work 7:30 to 4:30. At 4:00 my coworker comes up to me and asks if I have time to do something for her. I was working on MY work and told her that I had to finish up what I was doing before I left for the day. So, instead of saying okay and walking away, she puts the pile on my desk anyway and says well if you can do it before you leave today that would be great. Then she proceeds to go on a break!!! What the fuck! I don't mind helping, but when I'm busy and I need to leave on time, I'm not going to break my neck to get your shit done. Then the clicker, she's off today. This girl, who I normally love, talks on the phone constantly or she's on the internet. She has 3 other people helping her do her job. UGH!

Then there is another one here...she has talked, talked, and talked about this eye surgery she's having to anyone and everyone that will listen. Me and another coworker are about to go insane hearing about it. I'm just in a mood today and I just want to beat the shit out of someone, anyone! I'm usually not a violent person, but today I'm ready for a fight! Come on 4:30 - get me the hell out of here!

Okay, I feel a bit better now!

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