Thursday, August 10, 2006

My uterus...your appendix

They are not the same. Having your appendix removed is the not the same as having your uterus and cervix removed. There are no emotions tied up in an appendix, there is no feminimity tied up in your appendix....

My uterus and cervix are what helped bring my beautiful children into this world. They have been the bane of my exsistence since I started having my period. They have caused me massive amounts of pain, they have caused me all kinds of sickness, but they are mine and they are what makes me feel female.

Having them taken out of my body is not an easy experience for me. It is emotional, it is worrisome, and it is out of my control. My female parts are causing me more pain and sickness than they ever have before and it is time for them to move out.

However, you telling me that my operation is "nothing" and that I will be back on my feet in two to three days is assinine. Telling me that I will not need to take any pain pills because I am stronger than that, telling me that they only tell you to take it easy for 4-6 weeks is their way of protecting themselves from a lawsuit, TELLING me that only women who are lazy will utilize that recovery period, is fucked up. Looking at me down your nose and telling me that I should be thankful I won't have periods anymore, telling me I should be thankful that I will no longer have pain, telling me that I should be thankful I won't have to worry about cancer is your way of dismissing my feelings on what is about to happen to me.

Your appendix removal is not the same as having a hysterectomy. I want you to get that through your head. Your organ was a useless piece of flesh. Mine brings life into this world. There is a difference.


Kay said...

I am so sorry. You are so right. Nobody ever misses a gallbladder either.

You are having MAJOR surgery. Recover. Take the time you need, b/c it is both physical and mental.

Donna said...

Tell your doctor (and I'm assuming it's a male) that a better comparison would be castration.