Friday, August 18, 2006

What the hell do you think is the matter with me?

To say this summer has been stressful is an understatement, but that is a whole different vent!

I am stressed, he knows I am stressed (yes, I flat out told him, I didn't make him guess). So this morning, while trying to get my work done with a tired, screaming 3 yr old who wanted to play on my computer while I worked I was stressed so more.

We also gave up our cleaning lady because he said it was costing too much so now I have to work and clean this mess. SO, after finishing typing a manuscript (with the screaming 3 yr old hanging on my legs, I decide to tackle cleaning the upstairs bathrooms before I do some more work. The screaming 3yr old wants to help. I gladly let her. She wants her towel wetter than what it is. I say no, she wets it anyway and gets my entire clean bathroom floor soaking wet. I yell, she screams. The whole time, dh is standing at my copy machine in my office using my paper...........asking what the heck is the matter with me?

What the F_ ck do you think is the matter with me? Do you have eyes, ears??????????

He gets to leave now for work and I get all this..................................

1 comment:

Kay said...

That bites. Hire the cleaning lady back. In the long run, it will be cheaper than a stay at a mental institution.

I hope it gets better!